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Custom club fitting or lessons?

What came first, the chicken or the egg? Thankfully, in the case of the question of what’s more beneficial to do first: custom club fitting or lessons, the answer is both and in either order.  Tuning up your swing via lessons prior to a custom club...

Who are our online shaft fittings for?

Who did we create our online shaft fitting service for? The short answer: anyone! The longer, more nuanced answer: all golfers who do not have easy access to a reputable fitting center that they can go to for an in-person fitting experience. Garage...

What piece or pieces of equipment should you be fit for first? 

What’s the only piece of equipment used on every single golf shot? We often ask this question of our clients in the bay and it never fails to stump 3 out of 4. Answer: your golf ball! If you were to rank the pieces of golf equipment that can have...

Getting ready for your fitting

We get this question all the time.  One thing we always recommend our clients do ahead of their fitting is do whatever they can to prepare their game. Why? Because to the extent possible, we want to fit the player you typically are rather than an...

Distance vs. accuracy… why not both!

Golf’s governing bodies have seen it fit to bifurcate the game of golf through equipment, namely a rollback of ball technology, in an attempt to reel in the incredible distances elite professional players hit the golf ball.  We’ll attempt to remain...

A Trustworthy Fitter

As is the case across all industries and end-markets, no two fitting experiences are the same. So what differs between a good fitting experience and a bad one? At Garage Golf MN we believe it comes down to a number of factors: 1.) How is your...

Local Services

Club Building (all costs per club unless otherwise noted):Gripping Services: Regrip: $5.00 Save old grip: +$5.00 Cost of new grip not included in quoted prices above; we stock many of the most popular grip models from Golf Pride, Lamkin, &...

Our story

Garage Golf MN was founded in 2019 by a couple of golf enthusiasts turned Master Club Fitters & Builders, you guessed it, out of one of garages! And what better time to start a new business than right before the onset of a global pandemic? But...
Local Services

Local Services

Club Building (all costs per club unless otherwise noted):Gripping Services: Regrip: $5.00 Save old grip: +$5.00 Cost of new grip not included in quoted prices above; we stock many of the most popular grip models from Golf Pride, Lamkin, &...

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Our story

Our story

Garage Golf MN was founded in 2019 by a couple of golf enthusiasts turned Master Club Fitters & Builders, you guessed it, out of one of garages! And what better time to start a new business than right before the onset of a global pandemic? But...

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