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Why should I get fit for a golf shaft?
  • Playing clubs properly fit to you & your swing can have a dramatically positive impact on your golfing experience
  • However, not every golfer is fortunate enough to have access to a comprehensive in-person fitting experience
  • Consequently, the majority of golfers play clubs that they purchase off the rack
  • Golf clubs represent an expensive investment whether you are fit for them, or not
  • Getting retrofit for a shaft that is fit to you and your swing (and to your existing driver) is typically about half the cost of purchasing another driver off the rack
  • Golf’s governing bodies place strict parameters around a golf club’s performance making year to year performance improvements incremental at best. There are often far more performance improvements available to golfers through optimizing your equipment to fit their unique swings.    
What role does the shaft play in a club?
  • Contrary to the “low launch, low spin” descriptions you often see attached to a given shaft, your shaft does not directly control your ball’s spin or launch angle. 
  • What the shaft is, is a timing mechanism. The shaft’s job is to sync up your club face delivery with your unique swing dynamics. 
  • Playing a shaft that doesn’t fit you and your swing can be incredibly frustrating, causing you to struggle to find the center of the clubface swing to swing, and in-turn, the fairway. 
What's the difference between the stock shafts that come in the majority of off the rack drivers and premium upcharge aftermarket shafts?
  • OEM stock shaft offerings have improved over recent years, but OEM’s offerings will always be narrow / limited
  • Certain stock shafts offered by OEMs may visually resemble the shafts you see on tour but lack the premium materials / manufacturing processes / tolerances found in the latter (e.g., stock Ventus vs. Ventus with Velocore)
Why pay $9.99 for an online shaft fitting when there are others available free of charge?
  • Simple. You get what you pay for. 
  • Unlike many of the other online shaft fittings available, ours isn’t run by an algorithm. The answers you provide on your fitting questionnaire are simply a starting point. Your answers will be reviewed by one of our Master Fitters that have each spent countless hours in a fitting bay and your shaft recommendations will be filtered through this real-world fitting experience.
  • Our $9.99 fee makes it possible to have a real live, Master Fitter complete your shaft fitting. 
  • It’s also worth highlighting that the online fitting fee gets credited back to you when you purchase a recommended shaft through us. 
What shafts do you offer?
  • We proudly proclaim our brand agnosticism and maintain active relationships with Accra, Aldila, Fujikura, Graffalloy, Graphite Design, LA Golf, Mitsubishi & Project X. Our fitting studio has access to each of these brands’ comprehensive catalogs (including Tour only weights & flexes of certain models).
  • At our physical studio we manage a fitting matrix containing hundreds of aftermarket shafts from these trusted shaft manufacturers. These are the shafts our Master Fitters see in the bays every single day. 
Why should I get fit for a golf shaft?
  • Playing clubs properly fit to you & your swing can have a dramatically positive impact on your golfing experience
  • However, not every golfer is fortunate enough to have access to a comprehensive in-person fitting experience
  • Consequently, the majority of golfers play clubs that they purchase off the rack
  • Golf clubs represent an expensive investment whether you are fit for them, or not
  • Getting retrofit for a shaft that is fit to you and your swing (and to your existing driver) is typically about half the cost of purchasing another driver off the rack
  • Golf’s governing bodies place strict parameters around a golf club’s performance making year to year performance improvements incremental at best. There are often far more performance improvements available to golfers through optimizing your equipment to fit their unique swings.    
What role does the shaft play in a club?
  • Contrary to the “low launch, low spin” descriptions you often see attached to a given shaft, your shaft does not directly control your ball’s spin or launch angle. 
  • What the shaft is, is a timing mechanism. The shaft’s job is to sync up your club face delivery with your unique swing dynamics. 
  • Playing a shaft that doesn’t fit you and your swing can be incredibly frustrating, causing you to struggle to find the center of the clubface swing to swing, and in-turn, the fairway. 
What's the difference between the stock shafts that come in the majority of off the rack drivers and premium upcharge aftermarket shafts?
  • OEM stock shaft offerings have improved over recent years, but OEM’s offerings will always be narrow / limited
  • Certain stock shafts offered by OEMs may visually resemble the shafts you see on tour but lack the premium materials / manufacturing processes / tolerances found in the latter (e.g., stock Ventus vs. Ventus with Velocore)
Why pay $9.99 for an online shaft fitting when there are others available free of charge?
  • Simple. You get what you pay for. 
  • Unlike many of the other online shaft fittings available, ours isn’t run by an algorithm. The answers you provide on your fitting questionnaire are simply a starting point. Your answers will be reviewed by one of our Master Fitters that have each spent countless hours in a fitting bay and your shaft recommendations will be filtered through this real-world fitting experience.
  • Our $9.99 fee makes it possible to have a real live, Master Fitter complete your shaft fitting. 
  • It’s also worth highlighting that the online fitting fee gets credited back to you when you purchase a recommended shaft through us. 
What shafts do you offer?
  • We proudly proclaim our brand agnosticism and maintain active relationships with Accra, Aldila, Fujikura, Graffalloy, Graphite Design, LA Golf, Mitsubishi & Project X. Our fitting studio has access to each of these brands’ comprehensive catalogs (including Tour only weights & flexes of certain models).
  • At our physical studio we manage a fitting matrix containing hundreds of aftermarket shafts from these trusted shaft manufacturers. These are the shafts our Master Fitters see in the bays every single day.